Browse our library of testimonials and hear first hand from clients who have booked Kriss. View testimonials by category, scroll back in time, and even search for feedback from individuals with the same job title as you!
“Become who you are having found out what that is!” - Pindar
Browse our library of testimonials and hear first hand from clients who have booked Kriss. View testimonials by category, scroll back in time, and even search for feedback from individuals with the same job title as you!
Kriss, it was my pleasure and privilege to be able to meet with you and to host you at our event. You made us feel as though you really understood our work (no mean feat!) and I know that you contributed to making it our most memorable conference to date! Thank you for your words and your inspiration.
Kriss you were amazing. The feedback we had from our colleagues who attended was so positive, they loved every minute of. It was heart warming, funny, lively, personal and tailored to them so they felt appreciated - which is exactly how we wanted them to feel as our Heroes. THANK YOU!
Kriss shared his perspective, experience and insight to us and it was fantastic. There is so much more to Kriss than I was aware of beyond his athletics and TV work and this depth was fascinating to hear about. Yes, Kriss provides motivation by being around, but this additional depth was the real thing I took away from his session.
Your speech was absolutely brilliant, as I knew it would be but it surpassed my expectations!